of Stocksbridge & District
My book on the history of Stocksbridge public houses was published on the 3rd October 2020. It contains stories from public houses past and present from their early days until the eve of World War Two and includes tales from the pubs in and around the South Yorkshire town of Stocksbridge and the nearby villages of Bolsterstone, Deepcar, Green Moor, Hunshelf and Wigtwizzle. It is available direct from Amazon in paperback or Kindle editions here: (modern pubs and Working Men’s Clubs are not included.)
It was not possible to include lots of photographs in the book because of print limitations, and so I have added all those I have collected so far to this website.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed photographs so far - please get in touch if you have any that you think would be of interest to others.

Click on the photograph and then the "go to link" button to see to more photographs of that pub.
Note: best viewed on a computer rather than a small screen
Ordnance Survey maps reproduced by permission of the National Library of Scotland.

formerly known as The Barrel

Also known as "The Wragg"

Also known as Hunshelf House.
A note about copyright.
Many of the images included here are out of copyright. Credit had been given where known and permission to share from some high quality images purchased from Picture Sheffield has been given. Efforts have been made to find out who owns the copyright but mistakes happen, so if you own the copyright to any of these images and have not been credited, please get in touch via the Contact Us page.
The Ordnance Survey maps are reproduced under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence with permission from the National Library of Scotland. The overlay map of Broomhead Reservoir is reproduced with permission of the National Library of Scotland and OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap® is open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF).