The Sportsman's Arms
Thank you to everyone who has contributed photographs so far - please get in touch if you have any that you think would be of interest to others.

The Sportsman's Arms, Wigtwizzle. Click on a photo to enlarge it and for more information.

An isolated moorland country inn situated in a tiny hamlet, close to where Broomhead Hall one stood. The pub (on the right of this photograph) was opened as a beerhouse in the 1830s, and became fully licensed in 1841. The pub remained in the same family, the Hollins, until it closed in 1904.

The barn is now a private house; the pub has been demolished and a garage now stands in its place.

1893 Ordnance Survey Map showing the Sportsman's (bottom right) and Broomhead Hall (top left, now demolished). Reproduced with permission of the National Library of Scotland.
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The site of the Sportsman's Arms was used by Sheffield City Council as a woodyard before the current house was built. Click here for a photograph of the woodyard taken in 1987. Copyright Sheffield City Council.