Those Who Served WW1

Names taken from newspaper reports about those who were injured, or were home on leave. Note: this is nowhere near an exhaustive list, it is simply items that I have come across in the course of other research and they have not been cross-referenced with deaths. They are in alphabetical order to aid searching for a family member. The newspaper is the Penistone, Stocksbridge and Hoyland Express unless otherwise stated, and the date of publication is given.
York & Lancaster: news has reached us that Private Willie ACKROYD, Private Herbert Marsden, Private Harry Ridal (Deepcar), Private Benton Shaw, and Private Ernest Taylor have been wounded 24 July 1915
Lieut. BRAMWELL has been home on a short leave after eight months in Salonica, Egypt, and France 30 December 1916
Pte. Wm. DUGGAN (Y. and L.) of Stocksbridge is in hospital in Leeds with shrapnel wounds in the leg. He enlisted in 1915, and was invalided out of the line with trench fever. He was for a number of years groom to Mr. S. E. Sapson, veterinary surgeon, Hillsborough 27 April 1918
Pte. Clarence EUSTACE (Y. and L.), of Victoria Street, Stocksbridge, has been wounded for the second time (on Oct. 12) in the right thigh, and has been removed to the hospital at St. Fagan’s, near Cardiff 17 November 1917
We notice home once more Private O. W. HERBERT of Deepcar, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Herbert of Orchard Street. He was one of the first local lads to join up, and he is to be highly congratulated upon being the first local soldier to be awarded both the D.C.M. and the M.M. during the time he was in France he was badly wounded and gassed, and after being in hospital and eventually recovering, he again volunteered for active service, where he remained until the termination of hostilities 11 January 1919
York & Lancaster: news has reached us that Private Willie Ackroyd, Private Herbert MARSDEN, Private Harry Ridal (Deepcar), Private Benton Shaw, and Private Ernest Taylor have been wounded 24 July 1915
Able-Seaman Arnold PEARSON of Stocksbridge, who has just been discharged from the Navy, has been serving during the greater part of the war, on H.M.S. “Kildonian Castle,” an auxiliary cruiser. In the course of his service he has visited Sierra Leone, Rio de Janeiro, Australia, the United States and Canada. His vessel was mainly engaged in convoy work, and had a number of victorious encounters with submarines 08 February 1919
Gunner John RACE (R.F.A.), Stocksbridge, is in hospital in France, recovering from the combined effects of gas and pneumonia. 16 December 1916
York & Lancaster: news has reached us that Private Willie Ackroyd, Private Herbert Marsden, Private Harry RIDAL (Deepcar), Private Benton Shaw, and Private Ernest Taylor have been wounded 24 July 1915
York & Lancaster: news has reached us that Private Willie Ackroyd, Private Herbert Marsden, Private Harry Ridal (Deepcar), Private Benton SHAW, and Private Ernest Taylor have been wounded [Shaw later died] 24 July 1915
Private John SIDEBOTTOM (Royal West Kent Regiment), who had seen over four years of active service, and who has been gassed on three occasions, has now arrived at Springburn Hospital, Glasgow, suffering from wounds received on November 9th at Cambrai. We wish this brave lad a speedy recovery and hope he will soon be at home again 04 January 1919
York & Lancaster: news has reached us that Private Willie Ackroyd, Private Herbert Marsden, Private Harry Ridal (Deepcar), Private Benton Shaw, and Private Ernest TAYLOR have been wounded 24 July 1915
Reg. Quartermaster Sgt. H. THICKETT has been home [Christmas leave] 30 December 1916
Pte. W. WALKER (West Yorks.) of Stocksbridge is in hospital in Hopetown, Scotland, with trench-feet. He was wounded at Bullecourt in May 1917 27 April 1918
Private Ernest WALTON (East Yorks), Deepcar, has been wounded in the left foot, and is in hospital in Boulogne. 16 December 1916